dessert sweettreats < 5 ingredients quick

Decadent Quinoa Chocolate Mousse

by: Sarah Tanner

This velvety smooth quinoa chocolate mousse will quickly become your new after dinner indulgence. Just pop everything in a blender and set overnight, perfect for a weekday treat with a bonus protein punch.


  • 1 cup cooked Ceres Organics White Quinoa
  • 1/4 cup Ceres Organics Raw Cacao Powder
  • 2 tbs Ceres Organics Maple Syrup
  • 4 softened Ceres Organics Pitted Dates
  • 1 can Ceres Organics Coconut Cream


  1. Blend everything together until smooth.
  2. Pour mixture into a lined container and pop in the fridge to set overnight.
  3. Serve with a dollop of coconut yogurt and a sprinkle of cacao. Fresh or frozen berries also make a great garnish.


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