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Sonett Multi Surface & Glass Cleaner - 500ml

Sonett Multi Surface & Glass Cleaner - 500ml

Regular price $13.20
Sonett Multi Surface & Glass Cleaner is exactly that - thoroughly cleans window panes, mirrors, counters and stainless steel without leaving any streaks. With pure essential oils of lavender and lemongrass from certified organic cultivation. 100% biodegradable.

For the cleaning of large window panes, please use our Sonett All-Purpose Cleanser and work with sponge and squeegee.

Dosage: Spray thoroughly onto surface and polish dry with a microfibre cloth. Please remove heavy dirt beforehand.
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vegan Vegan
plant-based Plant Based
ethically-sourced Ethically Sourced

ingredients and allergens

product information

item code: 12955
size: 500ml
origin: Made in Germany
brand: Sonett

nutritional information

Note: Product and Nutrition information may change from time to time. Please refer to the actual pack label for the most accurate data.

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