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Sonett Dishwasher Tablets - 20g x 25

Sonett Dishwasher Tablets - 20g x 25

Regular price $19.80
Sonett Dishwasher tablets contain minerals and organic constituents which are completely biodegradable. They contain no enzymes, no aggressive chlorinated bleaching agents, no phosphates, and no fragrances.

For household dishwashers. Not suitable for silverware, lead crystal glass and hand-painted chinaware.

Dosage: 1 tablet for dishes with normal degree of soiling, 2 tablets for heavy duty cleaning.
in stock
vegan Vegan
plant-based Plant Based
ethically-sourced Ethically Sourced

ingredients and allergens

product information

item code: 12960
size: 20g x 25
origin: Made in Germany
brand: Sonett

nutritional information

Note: Product and Nutrition information may change from time to time. Please refer to the actual pack label for the most accurate data.

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