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Sonett Surface Disinfectant - 500ml

Sonett Surface Disinfectant - 500ml

Regular price $22.00
Sonett's 100% vegetable Surface Disinfectant is free from petrochemicals and in a convenient spray.

For disinfecting work surfaces and equipment in kitchens, food processing, sanitary areas, surgeries etc.
Tested efficacy against all enveloped viruses, influenza viruses, H1N1, H5N1, herpes, HIV, noroviruses, MRSA and ESBL germs, as well as against fungi, yeasts and bacteria such as salmonellae, E. coli etc.

Purely plant-based ingredients are the special characteristics of this surface disinfectant making it a real alternative to the well-known agents obtained using synthetic active ingredients with their problematic side effects. For centuries alcohol has been used for disinfection, and to this day no microorganism is known that is resistant to alcohol.

Dosage: Use 50 ml / m² per surface of max. 2 m².

Ready-to-use solution, which can be applied by spraying or wiping. The product dries up without leaving any residue. Wet the clean objects and surfaces by either spraying or wiping them. Be careful with electrical equipment: It must be turned off. Use Sonett Surface Disinfectant safely. Always read labelling and product information prior to use.

Attributes: Cruelty Free, Vegan, No Mineral Oils, Parabens Or Silicones

in stock
vegan Vegan
plant-based Plant Based
ethically-sourced Ethically Sourced

ingredients and allergens

product information

item code: 12956
size: 500ml
origin: Made in Germany
brand: Sonett

nutritional information

Note: Product and Nutrition information may change from time to time. Please refer to the actual pack label for the most accurate data.

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